.:. i R F @ N _ M E C L i S i .:. R @ H - i _ @ S K .:.
And rely upon Allah ; And sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs . . . & . . .  Salava10

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.:. i R F @ N _ M E C L i S i .:. R @ H - i _ @ S K .:.
And rely upon Allah ; And sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs . . . & . . .  Salava10
.:. i R F @ N _ M E C L i S i .:. R @ H - i _ @ S K .:.
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And rely upon Allah ; And sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs . . . & . . .  Icon_minitime122.09.23 10:37 tarafından RıZa BeRKaN

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And rely upon Allah ; And sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs . . . & . . .  Icon_minitime112.01.23 12:26 tarafından RıZa BeRKaN

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And rely upon Allah ; And sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs . . . & . . .  Icon_minitime112.01.23 10:10 tarafından RıZa BeRKaN

And rely upon Allah ; And sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs . . . & . . .  Icon_minitime117.11.22 17:23 tarafından RıZa BeRKaN

» i M a N i L e G ö N D e R B i Z i
And rely upon Allah ; And sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs . . . & . . .  Icon_minitime111.10.22 18:29 tarafından RıZa BeRKaN

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And rely upon Allah ; And sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs . . . & . . .  Icon_minitime111.10.22 18:22 tarafından RıZa BeRKaN

And rely upon Allah ; And sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs . . . & . . .  Icon_minitime111.10.22 18:00 tarafından RıZa BeRKaN

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And rely upon Allah ; And sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs . . . & . . .  Icon_minitime111.10.22 12:00 tarafından RıZa BeRKaN

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And rely upon Allah ; And sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs . . . & . . .  Icon_minitime111.10.22 10:35 tarafından RıZa BeRKaN

And rely upon Allah ; And sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs . . . & . . .  Icon_minitime111.10.22 8:35 tarafından RıZa BeRKaN

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And rely upon Allah ; And sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs . . . & . . .  Icon_minitime111.10.22 8:11 tarafından RıZa BeRKaN

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And rely upon Allah ; And sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs . . . & . . .  Icon_minitime111.10.22 8:03 tarafından RıZa BeRKaN

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And rely upon Allah ; And sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs . . . & . . .  Icon_minitime111.10.22 7:57 tarafından RıZa BeRKaN

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And rely upon Allah ; And sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs . . . & . . .  Icon_minitime111.10.22 7:34 tarafından RıZa BeRKaN

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And rely upon Allah ; And sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs . . . & . . .  Icon_minitime120.01.22 11:54 tarafından RıZa BeRKaN

And rely upon Allah ; And sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs . . . & . . .  Icon_minitime120.01.22 10:58 tarafından RıZa BeRKaN

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And rely upon Allah ; And sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs . . . & . . .  Icon_minitime122.10.21 13:26 tarafından RıZa BeRKaN

And rely upon Allah ; And sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs . . . & . . .  Icon_minitime111.10.21 11:49 tarafından RıZa BeRKaN

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And rely upon Allah ; And sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs . . . & . . .  Icon_minitime111.10.21 11:46 tarafından RıZa BeRKaN

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And rely upon Allah ; And sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs . . . & . . .  Icon_minitime111.10.21 11:41 tarafından RıZa BeRKaN

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And rely upon Allah ; And sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs . . . & . . .  Vote_lcap67%And rely upon Allah ; And sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs . . . & . . .  Vote_rcap 67% [ 4 ]
And rely upon Allah ; And sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs . . . & . . .  Vote_lcap0%And rely upon Allah ; And sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs . . . & . . .  Vote_rcap 0% [ 0 ]
And rely upon Allah ; And sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs . . . & . . .  Vote_lcap0%And rely upon Allah ; And sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs . . . & . . .  Vote_rcap 0% [ 0 ]
And rely upon Allah ; And sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs . . . & . . .  Vote_lcap0%And rely upon Allah ; And sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs . . . & . . .  Vote_rcap 0% [ 0 ]
And rely upon Allah ; And sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs . . . & . . .  Vote_lcap33%And rely upon Allah ; And sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs . . . & . . .  Vote_rcap 33% [ 2 ]

Toplam Oylar : 6

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Nisan 2024

Takvim Takvim

And rely upon Allah ; And sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs . . . & . . .

Aşağa gitmek

And rely upon Allah ; And sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs . . . & . . .  Empty And rely upon Allah ; And sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs . . . & . . .

Mesaj tarafından RıZa BeRKaN 24.06.20 20:23

And rely upon Allah ; And sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs . . . & . . .  Semras4

And rely upon Allah ; And sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs . . . & . . .  Semas47

When Einstein saw a person who was living only for pleasure and interested only in having a good time, he would say, “He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would fully suffice”.
If a person is given this large brain, his duty is not to merely satisfy his basic needs, but to create abstract ideas, philosophize, question life and existence. Our Creator speaks to us in the language of events. A person can understand this language merely by thinking, “What is our Creator’s message in this?”

There is an example of a town in France, which was flooding. Some people escaped to the roof of the church. The priest, however, stayed and said, “Let God come. Someone came to save him but the priest said, “God will save me.”He refused to get in, maintaining that God will save him. Then a boat came to rescue him. He refused to get in, maintaining that God will save him. Finally a helicopter came, but he sent that away too. When he passed over to the other world, the priest said, “Oh God, I prayed to you so much, but you did not save me.” Upon hearing this, God responded, “My foolish servant, I sent you a man and you didn’t come. I sent you a boat and you didn’t get in. I sent you a helicopter and you didn’t board. What more could I have done?

The language of events looks like this. We must look at every experience and try to find the meaning that was sent on that occasion…

We must look at every experience and try to find the meaning that was sent on that occasion. When we experience an event, we must think, “I wonder if this is a message from God. God communicates with people in this world through acts. Miracles are particular to prophets, but the Creator has countless ways in which to address us. God appears in the world under the name, al-Hakim (The All-Wise), and this name necessitates the existence of acts. If you do not abide these acts, it means that you misunderstand the attributes of God. God does not give without effort. We see that beautiful things are always begotten through tribulation. The laws of psychology have already been laid down, for these are in fact God’s laws. Acting in accordance with them does not hinder a person’s freewill, but it also does not absolve people from responsibility.

And rely upon Allah ; And sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs . . . & . . .  Semas47

Einstein, sadece eğlenceyi merkeze alarak, “vur patlasın çal oynasın” diyerek yaşayan bir insanı gördüğünde “Bu insanda kocaman beyne ne gerek vardı, omurilik yeterdi” demiştir. Bu koca beyin insana verilmişse onun görevi sadece temel ihtiyaçları gidermek değil, soyut düşünce üretmek, felsefe yapmak, hayatı ve varoluşu sorgulamaktır..Yaratıcımız bizlerle olay diliyle konuşuyor. Bu dili de ancak “Yaratıcımızın buradaki mesajı nedir? diye düşünen insan anlayabilir.”

Bir örnek vardır. Fransa’da bir şehri sel basmış. İnsanlar kilisenin çatısına kaçmışlar. Papaz ise “Allah gelsin, beni kurtarsın” diyor. Birisi yardıma geliyor, papaz ona “Allah beni kurtaracak” diyor. Sonra onu kurtarmak için bir kayık gelir. İçine binmeyi reddeder. Papaz ona da “Allah beni kurtaracak” der. Ardından helikopter geliyor ama onu da kabul etmiyor. Papaz öbür dünyaya gittiğinde ise “Ey Allah’ım ben sana o kadar dua ettim, sen beni kurtarmadın” diyor. Bunun üzerine Allah “Ahmak kulum; ben sana adam gönderdim, gelmedin; kayık gönderdim, binmedin; helikopter gönderdim, binmedin. Daha ne yapayım?” diyor.
Olay dili buna benzerdir. Yaşadığımız her şeye dikkatle bakıp onun vesilesiyle gönderilen manayı bulmaya çalışmak…

Bir olay yaşadığımızda “ Acaba bu Allah ın bir mesajı mıdır?” diye düşünmemiz gerekir. Allah bu dünyada insanlarla sebebler vasıtasıyla iletişim kuruyor. Allah dünyada Hakim ismiyle tecelli ediyor ve bu isim sebeblerin varlığını gerektiriyor. Eğer sen sebeplere riayet etmiyorsan Allah in sıfatlarını yanlış biliyorsun demektir.  Allah çalışmadan vermiyor. Güzel şeylerin hep çileyle elde edildiğini görüyoruz. Koyulmuş psikoloji yasaları var; işte bunlar Allah’ın yasaları. Onlara uygun davranabilmek insanın özgür iradesini engellemiyor. İnsanın sorumluluğunu da ortadan kaldırmıyor.

Rumi Therapy – Prof. Dr. Nevzat TARHAN

And rely upon Allah ; And sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs . . . & . . .  Semas47
KuRuCu / YöNeTiCi
KuRuCu / YöNeTiCi

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